No. 4: Dutch Directness
This list would not be complete if we did not discuss the elephant in the room: Dutch directness....
Read MoreNo. 40: Sinks with only cold water
After many a year living in the lowlands I’ve made some serious progress in deciphering the...
Read MoreNo. 19: Mashing their food (the stamppot)
For anyone reading this, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that Dutch food has yet to sweep the...
Read MoreNo. 42: Swearing with diseases
Once upon a time, many years ago, I had just moved to the lowlands and was taking my newly...
Read MoreNo.25: Going Camping
An exodus is soon to hit the lowlands. Dutch people will be fleeing this flat little country...
Read MoreNo. 10: Birthday congratulations
I’ve never been so confused in my life, as when I first attended the birthday party of a Dutch...
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Stuff Dutch People Eat €15.59
Stuff Dutch People Like €14.67
Stuff Dutch People BAKE €15.59
Stuff Dutch People Say €11.92
Stuff Dutch Moms Like €9.17