Stuff Dutch People Like – the podcast!

Stuff Dutch People Like -the podcast, is a celebration of Dutch culture delivered directly to your phone each week! 

Join your hosts Colleen Geske (from the land of Maple Syrup) and Allard Westenbrink (as Dutch as a broodje kaas) as they discuss what makes Dutch culture weird, wacky and….ultimately, wonderful.

Started in the spring of 2022, the weekly podcast became an instant hit (ahem, 4.8/5 stars on Spotify) with fans all over the globe. It is now in its third season.

Listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple!

Meet your hosts

Colleen: Canadian Colleen has lived in the Netherlands for nearly two decades and yet is still puzzled by the Dutch, on the daily! She’s worked in communications and international policy for the Dutch government since 2008. Despite her polite Canadian roots, Colleen has eagerly embraced Dutch directness, hagelslag and the buienalarm app.

Allard: Dutch Allard can’t understand what all the fuss is about when discussing his beloved culture. Are we really that strange? Or are you guys the problem? Allard is a comedy and drama television director who is passionate about deep-friend dutch snacks, vintage knick-knacks and a well-sung smartlap.

Listen to some of our most recent episodes below…

Listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple or search for it anywhere you listen!