We are thrilled to announce that our new cookbook, Stuff Dutch People Eat, is hot off the press (and just in time for all your Sinterklaas and Christmas gift-giving needs)!
From the best-selling Stuff Dutch People Like series, comes this comprehensive celebration of Dutch cuisine. Whether you’re looking for festive sweets, traditional tastes or colonial classics, we’ve got something for every appetite!
From breakfast straight through to dessert, Stuff Dutch People Eat will take you through a culinary adventure spanning flavours – and centuries! Discover 40 easy-to-make recipes that are sure to restore your faith in the delightfully delicious Dutch kitchen, including:
- Appel-Spekpannenkoeken (apple-bacon pancakes)
- Ertwensoep (Dutch pea soup)
- Bitterballen (no translation needed!)
- Andijviestamppot
- Limburgse Kersenvlaai (Limburger cheery pie)
- Gevulde Speculaas (filled spice cake)
- Oliebollen (Dutch doughnuts)
- ….and so so much more! Eet smakelijk!
We have limited copies available for this holiday season.
Don’t delay: buy your copy here!
Official book launch
Join author Colleen Geske for the official launch on Saturday, November 26th at 16:00 in Amsterdam.
More details can be found on our Facebook event page. We look forward to seeing you there!
And the Tarte?
Am very happy about this!